Saturday, April 18, 2020

Survey Results, Fairytale assignment, this Weeks Science and I Can Statements

Hi Parents

Thank you for your participation in our workload survey. From this survey, it looks like most families feel that the assignments that the Grade 4 teachers have been assigning are falling within the 5 hours a week time frame. We also know that not everyone felt this way. Please remember during this period of ongoing learning at home that you as parents are in charge of how much your child participates in the school work being assigned. If you feel that it is too much please know that you can pull it back for them and let us know what they can or cannot complete. We will be reaching out to families whose children are not turning in any work at all but will not be chasing down students to complete every assignment. Also, remember that if your child is keen to do more work they can go on the extra websites that we have provided.

Literacy Assignments this week:

The Fairytale writing assignment is complex and will be our writing for the next 2 weeks as we are taking students through the writing process. Please encourage your child to start this assignment early this week. We will available to answer questions at our scheduled meet times and will be providing feedback throughout the process. There may be several returns of one assignment to ensure that feedback is being incorporated into their scripts.

Science this week:

For science this week, we are doing an experiment about the decomposition of food. For this experiment, students will watch an instructional video about how to grow mold and how to set that up in their own house. This is completely optional for your family. Mrs. Brophy will be posting the photos of the mold experiment she has set up starting on Tuesday and students can use these pictures for their observation. The pictures will be posted each day by 9:30 am on the classroom stream. We know that families have a variety of health concerns and potentially limited access to the resources for this experiment that could make participation challenging.

I Can Statements:

Below you will find the “I can” statements that relate directly to the assignments we have been assigning. These are the specific things we will be looking for in student assignments.

  • I can use talk, notes and personal writing to reflect on my ideas and experiences.
  • I can revise my writing so that it makes sense.
  • I can record ideas and information that are on topic.
  • I can use strong (juicy) words to expand my ideas in writing
  • I can connect the thoughts and actions of characters in things I read, hear and see to my personal and classroom experiences.  

  • I can write, draw or tell about decimals.
  • I can show that fractions and decimals are related to each other.
  • I can add and subtract decimals.
Thank you for your continued support during this challenging season.

The Grade 4 Team