Friday, September 13, 2019


-In Math we worked on representing numbers using expanded form, writing words and base ten blocks up to 10,000.
-We started our unit on Light and Shadow. Ask me about natural and artificial light sources
-We met our grade 2 buddies this week
-We came up with a list of topics to write about for our writing periods
-We are working on self portraits, focusing on sketching eyes, noses and mouths

-Booking for PT Interviews are going live at 4pm today. They are on Sept 19 and 20th
-Big Box of Cards fundraiser information was sent home
-September 26th Track and Field field trip all day (please bring permission forms ASAP)
-Many volunteers are needed for the field trip, please contact the school if you are interested. 
-Terry Fox run is on September 27th
-September 30th is Orange Shirt Day